[ZDP] BackTalk to Document The Zope Book (2.5 Edition)/Extending Zope
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 06:32:37 -0500
A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/current/CustomZopeObjects.stx#2-51
Go ahead and select *ZooExhibit* from the add list and create a
new Exhibit with the id "FangedRabbits". After creating the new
exhibit, select it by clicking on it.
% Anonymous User - Dec. 13, 2002 6:32 am:
I'm getting an error any time I try this ..
Error Type: NameError
Error Value: global name 'ZooExhibit' is not defined
I've followed the instructions exactly.
PS Yes I am a newbie, sorry!!