[ZDP] BackTalk to Document The Zope Book (2.6 Edition)/Advanced Page Templates

webmaster at zope.org webmaster at zope.org
Sun May 2 14:25:20 EDT 2004

A comment to the paragraph below was recently added via http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/AdvZPT.stx#4-106


        Modules can be grouped into packages, which are simply a way
        of organizing and naming related modules.  For instance,
        Zope's Python-based Scripts are provided by a collection of
        modules in the "PythonScripts" subpackage of the Zope
        "Products" package.  In particular, the "standard" module in
        this package provides a number of useful formatting functions
        that are standard in the DTML "var" tag.  The full name of
        this module is "Products.PythonScripts.standard", so you could
        get access to it using either of the following statements::

          tal:define="global pps modules/Products/PythonScripts/standard"
          tal:define="global pps python:modules['Products.PythonScripts.standard']"

          % Anonymous User - May 2, 2004 2:20 pm:
           The path sintaxt actually doesn't work. You will receive an Unauthorize exception, even if you implement the
           correct security assertions. With the python one you won't have this problem. The correct sintax would be:
           tal:define="global pps modules/Products/PythonScripts.standard"
           tal:define="global pps python:modules['Products.PythonScripts.standard']"

          % Anonymous User - May 2, 2004 2:22 pm:
           See the following thread:

          % Anonymous User - May 2, 2004 2:25 pm:
           Sory, the correct syntax would be:
            tal:define="global pps modules/Products.PythonScripts.standard"

           Forget the previous one.

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