[Zodb-checkins] SVN: zdaemon/trunk/ Add some release management artifacts.

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Mon Mar 27 08:27:35 EST 2006

Log message for revision 66236:
  Add some release management artifacts.

  A   zdaemon/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  A   zdaemon/trunk/README.txt

Added: zdaemon/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- zdaemon/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-03-27 12:10:42 UTC (rev 66235)
+++ zdaemon/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2006-03-27 13:27:34 UTC (rev 66236)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+zdaemon Changelog
+After zdaemon 1.1
+ - Updated test 'testRunIgnoresParentSignals':
+  o Use 'mkdtemp' to create a temporary directory to hold the test socket
+    rather than creating the test socket in the test directory.
+    Hopefully this will be more robust.  Sometimes the test directory
+    has a path so long that the test socket can't be created.
+  o Changed management of 'donothing.sh'.  This script is now created by
+    the test in the temporarary directory with the necessary
+    permissions. This is to avoids possible mangling of permissions
+    leading to spurious test failures.  It also avoids management of a
+    file in the source tree, which is a bonus.
+ - Rearranged source tree to conform to more usual zpkg-based layout:
+   o Python package lives under 'src'.
+   o Dependencies added to 'src' as 'svn:externals'.
+   o Unit tests can now be run from a checkout.
+ - Made umask-based test failures due to running as root emit a more
+   forceful warning.
+zdaemon 1.1 (2005/06/09)
+ - SVN tag:  svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zdaemon/tags/zdaemon-1.1
+ - Tagged to make better 'svn:externals' linkage possible.

Property changes on: zdaemon/trunk/CHANGES.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: zdaemon/trunk/README.txt
--- zdaemon/trunk/README.txt	2006-03-27 12:10:42 UTC (rev 66235)
+++ zdaemon/trunk/README.txt	2006-03-27 13:27:34 UTC (rev 66236)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+zdaemon Package REZDME
+'zdaemon' is a Python package which provides APIs for managing spplications
+run as daemons.  Its principal use to date has been to manage the application
+server and storage server daemons for Zope / ZEO, although it is not limited
+to running Python-based applications (for instance, it has been used to
+manage the 'spread' daemon).

Property changes on: zdaemon/trunk/README.txt
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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