[ZODB-Dev] SecureServerStorage and SecureClientStorage

Johan Dahlin jdahlin@telia.com
03 Oct 2002 15:52:47 -0300

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Hi folks

For the past week i have played around a bit with ServerStorage and
ClientStorage and added basic authentication.

Usernames and passwords are sent in clear text to not give a false sense
of security, in other words you have to trust your local network.

No changes to ZODB/ZEO directly, instead everything is subclassed.
It seems to work quite well, however, there are a few problems.

1. When authentication fails everything just locks up. Should this be
considered as a feature?
2. It's authenticated per connection id (storage_id). I don't know if
this is optimal. Isn't it possible that an attacker can send bogus
connection ids and access the storage unauthenticated (this is only
possible under a few microsecond on a relatively fast machine, since
it's dropped just after it's checked).
3. Thread safe? I have no experience with threads, am i doing something
completely wrong?
4. I am modifying the ServerStub class directly at the moment, could
this be solved in a different way?

Attaching secure.py (in which the classes are) and myserver.py/myclient.py which is a small set of

(cc: me eventual replies, since i'm not on the list (yet)(
Johan Dahlin

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myclient.py
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import os
import signal

import ZODB

from ZODB import DB
from secure import SecureClientStorage
from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage

def open_db (pwd=3D'p4ssw0rd'):
    storage =3D SecureClientStorage(('nachocano', 4000),
        database =3D DB (storage)
    except ClientStorage.ClientDisconnected:
        print 'Could not connect to database, is it running?'
        os.kill (os.getpid(), signal.SIGABRT)
    return database

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    database =3D open_db (sys.argv[1])
    database =3D open_db ()

conn =3D database.open ()
root =3D conn.root ()
print root

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myserver.py
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import asyncore
from signal import signal, SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGHUP

import ZODB.FileStorage
def shutdown (storages):
    import asyncore

    # Do this twice, in case we got some more connections
    # while going through the loop.  This is really sort of
    # unnecessary, since we now use so_reuseaddr.
    for ignored in 1,2:
        for socket in asyncore.socket_map.values():
            try: socket.close()
            except: pass

    for storage in storages.values():
        try: storage.close()
        finally: pass

    raise SystemExit
storages =3D {}
storages['1'] =3D ZODB.FileStorage.FileStorage('db/Data.fs')

signal (SIGINT,
        lambda g,f,s=3Dstorages: shutdown(s))

# hostname to listen to, port
unix =3D ('nachocano', 4000)

from secure import SecureStorageServer

serv =3D SecureStorageServer (unix, storages)
serv.add_user ('mrjoe', 'p4ssw0rd')

print serv

asyncore.loop ()

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import os

from zLOG                import INFO, LOG
from ZEO                 import ServerStub
from ZEO.zrpc.connection import ManagedServerConnection
from ZEO.ClientStorage   import ClientStorage
from ZEO.StorageServer   import StorageServer, ZEOStorage
from ZODB                import POSException
def authUser(self, storage_id, username, password):
    return self.rpc.call('authUser', storage_id, username, password)
ServerStub.StorageServer.authUser =3D authUser

class AuthError(Exception): pass

class SecureZEOStorage(ZEOStorage):
    __super_register =3D ZEOStorage.register
    auth =3D {}
    def authUser(self, storage_id, username, password):
        users =3D self.server.users

        if not users.has_key(username):
            return 0
        elif users[username] !=3D password:
            return 0
        self.auth[storage_id] =3D None=20
        return 1

    def register(self, storage_id, read_only):
        auth =3D self.auth
        if not auth.has_key(storage_id):
            raise AuthError, 'must authenticate'
        del auth[storage_id]

        self.__super_register(storage_id, read_only)
class SecureStorageServer(StorageServer):
    users =3D {}
    def add_user(self, username, password=3D''):
        self.users[username] =3D password
    def new_connection(self, sock, addr):
        c =3D ManagedServerConnection(sock, addr,
                                    SecureZEOStorage(self), self)
        LOG('SecureServerStorage', INFO,
            "new connection %s: %s" % (addr, `c`))
        return c

class SecureClientStorage(ClientStorage):
    __super_init =3D ClientStorage.__init__
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._username =3D kwargs.get('username', '')
        self._password =3D kwargs.get('password', '')
            del kwargs['username']
            del kwargs['password']=20
        except KeyError: pass
        self.__super_init(*args, **kwargs)
    def testConnection(self, conn):
        LOG("ClientStorage", INFO, "Testing connection %r" % conn)
        stub =3D ServerStub.StorageServer(conn)
        storage_id =3D str(self._storage)
        retval =3D stub.authUser(storage_id,
        if not retval:
            raise AuthError
            stub.register(storage_id, self._is_read_only)
            return 1
        except POSException.ReadOnlyError:
            if not self._read_only_fallback:
            LOG("ClientStorage", INFO,
                "Got ReadOnlyError; trying again with read_only=3D1")
            stub.register(storage_id, read_only=3D1)
            return 0
