[ZODB-Dev] Re: ZEO signal feature

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@zope.com
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 12:13:05 -0400

>>>>> "TD" == Toby Dickenson <tdickenson@geminidataloggers.com> writes:

  >> > I'm trying to clear out the backlog of ZEO todo items in hopes
  >> > of getting another beta release out soon.  I'd like to
  >> > accommodate the use cases that lead to the signal code, but I
  >> > wonder if we could consider some other alternatives.

  TD> A while ago I gave these reasons below for thinking that the
  TD> 'signal' method was a better way of handling storage extension
  TD> methods, compared to adding 'real' methods to storage object
  TD> using a __getattr__ hook.

  TD> Having played with implementations of both approaches I have
  TD> changed my opinion. The problems I anticipated with real methods
  TD> are not so bad, and it certainly is nicer to work with.

  TD> Jeremy, any chance of getting toby-extension-method-branch in
  TD> before the next beta?

I'm about to cut the beta this morning, and I don't have spare cycles
to review the feature.  We'll get the final release out in no more
than two weeks and try to move on to a ZODB3 3.2 release not to long
after that.  Barry's working on a new bsddb3Storage implementation,
and I'd like to see ZEO cache validation sped up.  So there are other
reasons to expect that the 3.2 release will come fairly soon after the
3.1 release.
