[ZODB-Dev] savepoint bug

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Thu Jul 15 14:52:10 EDT 2004

[Edward Moy]
>> So I retrieved ZODB/branches/tim-transactions and see "savepoint" in the
>> code, but (still as a ZODB beginner) can't figure out how to call it.
>> Given a file-based persistent database, can you give me a few lines on
>> how to use the savepoints?

[Jim Fulton]
> I don't think this code is close to working.  Tim and I got a start but
> then had to work on other things.

Regret to confirm that Jim is correct.  What's on the branch is a first cut
at defining the new *interfaces*, and a toy implementation of these
interfaces in a test file, intended to clarify subtleties and iron out
problems before ZODB proper is changed.  There are no changes in "the real"
(non-test-suite) ZODB code yet, except for the new interfaces.

Work on that branch has lower priority than most "other things" that come

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