[ZODB-Dev] Re: Can't pack ZODB anymore

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Tue Jul 27 18:17:17 EDT 2004

[shan sverige]
> running 'fstest -v' gives only 1 error:
> time-stamp reduction at 31906881: 0x03537a82059cf1cc <= 0x0355bcc95b5ace33

That figures.  As


says, fstest quits upon finding the first problem.  If I were you, I'd
temporarily comment out this part of fstest.py, to see whether it finds
anything else wrong:

    if tid <= ltid:
        raise FormatError("%s time-stamp reduction at %s: %s <= %s" %
                          (path, pos, hexify(tid), hexify(ltid)))

> running fsrefs doesn't work:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "fsrefs.py", line 68, in ?
>     from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
> ImportError: No module named ZODB.FileStorage

You certainly have ZODB.FileStorage, so you'll need to fiddle your
PYTHONPATH so fsrefs can find it.  You haven't said which OS you're using,
so it's hard to be more specific than that.  It depends on where this stuff
got installed on your box.  If this is a Zope installation, you'll want to
get Zope's lib/python subdirectory on PYTHONPATH.  Then the import will

> Is there really no way to get this resolved, i.e. a dump/reload  ?

I don't know.  It depends on how badly damaged your .fs file is.  That
hasn't been determined yet.

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