[ZODB-Dev] Re: POSKeyError

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Sun Mar 27 17:15:26 EST 2005

[Dieter Maurer]
>>>> You determine with "fsrefs" the parent(s) (!) of the missing objects.
>>>> You fix the parent(s) (HowTo for how to do the fix in simple
>>>> situations; do not know where - search for it).

[Bob Horvath]
>>> The two resources I am aware of (other than the code) are...
>>> http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/995917956/1054240694
>>> http://zope.org/Wikis/ZODB/FileStorageBackup
>>> Is the solution for simple situations that you mention the first one?

>> Maybe...
>> Did you read it? Does it help you?

> It has helped me understand the problem, but not yet solve it.  That is
> why I occasionally show up here hoping I can learn something more.  I am
> guessing the only way out of this is to invest a lot of time to read the
> code and try to understand the structure of the file.  If there are any
> other resources that might help, I appreciate pointers to them.
> I fear it will be a long time until I am able to do this, and that my
> sites will break at some point.  I know my Data.fs is getting huge
> because I am afraid to make matters worse by packing it.

There is no safe automated way to recover from POSKeyErrors, so you can stop
hoping for that.  Ethan Fremen announced a script to recover from
POSKeyErrors-- in a way guaranteed to destroy data --here:


If you're not comfortable trying something like that, perhaps you'd be more
comfortable offering to pay someone (perhaps Ethan?) to try to repair the
problem?  It may be hard, and there's no guarantee anyone can succeed.

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