[Zope-Checkins] CVS: Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES - Zope-I18n.mo:1.1 Zope-I18n.po:1.1
Stephan Richter
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 14:38:59 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9092/I18n/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
Added Files:
Zope-I18n.mo Zope-I18n.po
Log Message:
I finally got around to finish some priliminary Translation Support. This
complements the work done recently by Barry and Fred concerning the PT i18n
SimpleTranslationService: The possibly simplest implementation of a
Translation service. It does not do much, but provides a nice base class
for other translation services and is great for testing. This
implementation does not use message catalog for its storage.
TranslationService: This is a local, persistent flavour of the translation
service. It is used for TTW development. A first GUI for adding and
editing (delete does not work yet) messages is also there already. People
which use ZBabel will find the interface very familiar.
This class also implements many, many methods required for the editing via
the browser. These methods will be probably split up into a separate
interface called IEditableTranslationService.
GlobalTranslationService: This is a placeless version of the translation
service. It will be used to register translations via the file system and
ZCML. As default the GettextMessageCatalog is used, whcih reads in
gettext files.
MessageCatalog: A persistent implementation to accomedate the
TranslationService. It also implements a couple additional methods to
support updating and deleting of messages.
GettextMessageCatalog: Every catalog basically represents one gettext
(*.mo) file. This message catalog cannot be altered, as the file is used
read only. This message catalog is primarily used in combination with
Domain: This is basically a shortcut object, so that you do not have to
specify the domain for a translation every single time. However, I think
this obejct is not quiet ready yet, as I do not have the use cases on how
to handle the placefulness well yet.
Negotiator: The language negotiator helps the translation service to
determine the target language in case it was not explicitly passed as an
gts ZCML namespace: Using the registerTranslations directive you can
specify a gettext directory as the source for additional translations.
These translation will be added to the GlobalTranslationService, where
they will be available for usage. Note that the path of the various
gettext files identify the language and domain unambiguously.
=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/Zope-I18n.mo ===
<Binary-ish file>
=== Added File Zope3/lib/python/Zope/I18n/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/Zope-I18n.po ===
msgid "New Domain"
msgstr "New Domain"
msgid "New Language"
msgstr "New Language"