[Zope-PTK] Re: PTK security
Shane Hathaway
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 11:53:33 -0400
Fabio Forno wrote:
> Shane Hathaway wrote:
> > Do you see any drawbacks to simply making it so that the item is moved
> > rather than copied upon putting it in the "published" state?
> A user can't edit a previously published document without forcing it to
> be set to private immediately. To skip this limitation a user could make
> a local copy manually and then, when modifyed, ask to publish it over
> the public version (i.e a field in the set status form that indicates
> the document to be overwritten). Anyway I think that mainting the copy
> is more intuitive and friendly to anyone who wants to implement some
> multiple revision machinery (you have just to chose the version to be
> copied into the public area)
What if the "set status" screen were to ask the user if he/she wants to
make a copy of the document before setting it to the "pending" state?
The reason I don't feel good about the multiple copy idea is because
multiple disjoint copies can cause great confusion. Users might edit
the wrong copy, thinking that the changes are automatically published.
Or an editor might make changes to the published version while the
columnist makes a different set of changes.
Comments welcome.