[Zope-PTK] PROPOSAL: A Confidence Mechanism in UserRoleManagement
Bill Anderson
Sat, 12 Feb 2000 17:02:09 -0700
Chip Vanek wrote:
> >Rmember when Disneyland had different kinds of tickets fo rdifferent
> >rides? TO me, the Zope Roles/Users setup is like that. When the user
> >logs in, s/he gets a ticket(role), or a set of tickets(roles).
> >When s/he
> >goes to 'ride a ride' (use a db method, view a page, etc..), Zope looks
> >to make sure s/he has the right ticket.
> >
> >And Zope has a helluva lot more rides then DL. ;^)
> Hey, That description really helped! How did you know my mind
> needs examples from childhood.
My day job is at HP ... in IT ;)
> Thanks for the clear mental
> map.
No Problem, glad it helped. Hey, mebbe I'll put this on Zope.org as a
tip or something...
In flying I have learned that carelessness and overconfidence are
usually far more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks.
-- Wilbur Wright in a letter to his father, September 1900