[Zope-PTK] DISCUSS: Changing template construction

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Sat, 19 Feb 2000 23:16:11 +0100

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van:	Paul Everitt [SMTP:paul@digicool.com]
Verzonden:	zaterdag 19 februari 2000 16:37
Aan:	zope-ptk@zope.org; jeffrey@digicool.com
Onderwerp:	[Zope-PTK] DISCUSS: Changing template construction

Jeffrey espoused an idea yesterday which I really liked. Instead

  <dtml-var std_header>
  <h2>My Stuff</h2>
  <dtml-var std_footer>

..he came up with (as standard_template):

  <dtml-var insertedContents>

with all the site content pages as:

  <dtml-template standard_template insertAs="insertedContents">
  <h2>My Stuff</h2>

Thus, Jeffrey introduced a new tag that grabbed a renderer and passed
in the block as contents.

Difference number one: you don't have two things (header and footer)
to manage. Difference two: the combined header and footer are valid
HTML!!! Making the look of a site much easier to manage in tools like

With Michel's old "multi-format document" and the "PTK Document",
Jeffrey's idea gets even easier. You don't wrap the content in a tag,
you just indicate in another part of the interface the location of the
rendering template.  This makes the document just:

  <h2>My Stuff</h2>

..which is the PTK way of doing contents.

I wonder if this should be the PTK way of doing things?  OTOH, with PTK
Document, few people will know about the template that is rendering the


Hm. I like the idea. I posted some similar ideas (but much more general and (I'm afraid) complicated) to the zope-dev and zope-mozilla lists some weeks ago. Whereas they never got response, I think the problem this proposal _will not_ solve is the rendered vs non-rendered problem. This is always the big problem in Zope editing.
