[Zope-PTK] No access to created portal
Massimo Ferrario
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 13:15:25 +0200
At 12.41 26/07/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear CoZopists,
>After having gone through the (seems) classical "underscore Error" just
>after the installation of the PTK i am now finally able to create a portal.
>but if i want to manage it just after creation no useraccount is allowed to
>access (not even superuser)
>my configuration is:
>readhat 6.2
>Zope 2.2 (through Apache rewrite)
>PTK 0.7.1
I am using a very similar setup (the big difference is running on W2000, a
minor one I use Apache to proxy the requests to the Zope server running on
port 8080) and had the same problems.
BUT I succeeded to open the Portal object in the navigation (left) menu
with the portal admin account, and could administer the 'contained' objects.
I confirm that it is not possible to select the portal object in the right
frame to access its properties or whatever.
Does anyone know if it is a bug or a feature?
Massimo Ferrario
Inforeti snc
via Pellizzo, 39 - 35100 Padova (Italy)