[Zope-CMF] Different skins in portal subfolders
Frank Barknecht
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 16:02:22 +0200
Jeffrey P Shell wrote:
> <barknech@ph-cip.uni-koeln.de> wrote:
> > How can I let a subfolder in a CMF site use a different skin than the
> > rest of the portal?
> >
> You can programmatically set the 'portal_skin' REQUEST variable (or however
> you choose to name it on the 'portal_skins' Properties tab). You might try
> setting this as a folder property (through the ZMI) in the specified folder.
> ie: set 'portal_skin' property in folder "African" to the string value
> 'african'.
Hi Jeffrey,
I could not get this to work. I tried to set a property in a folder to the
name of the skin. The skin is okay, it shows, if I log into my site and select
it in the Member Preferences.
But if I make a property, it is not used.
And "<dtml-var REQUEST>" in a test document still shows the main portal skin.
If I try to set the portal_skin REQUEST with
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('portal_skin', 'african')>
this is shown in the debugging output but the skin is still is not used.
Frank Barknecht