[Zope-CMF] Problem with custom types (HELP!)

Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Tue, 03 Apr 2001 21:44:14 -0400

Adrian Madrid wrote:
> I'm having problems with the custom types I had
> working before upgrading from 2.3.1b3 to 2.3.1. I had
> portalpoll (from the tutorial) and two other alike
> working just fine but since I upgraded I keep getting
> the same error everytime a member/reviewer/manager
> adds one TTW. I even tried adding a new cmf site and
> reinstall the types but the same problem follows. Here
> is the traceback:
> C:\BensonP\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\PortalFolder.py,
> line 368, in invokeFactory
>     (Object: Traversable)
>   File
> C:\BensonP\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\TypesTool.py,
> line 714, in constructContent
>     (Object: Traversable)
>   File
> C:\BensonP\lib\python\Products\CMFCore\TypesTool.py,
> line 471, in constructInstance
>     (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
> Unauthorized: Cannot create Poll
> -->
> Any ideas? I _really_ need to get a couple of types,
> basically news & documents with extra properties,
> working yesterday. If anybody has created something
> like that and is working on cmf 1.0 please give me
> some pointers or lines. Please?

I can't reproduce this here.  Are you *sure* that your
ZClass products survived the upgrade from 2.3.1b3 to
2.3.1?  The "Cannot create Poll" message on line 471
of CMFCore/TypesTool.py can only come about if the
'_getFactoryMethod' call fails, which would typically
mean that either:

 * Zope can't find the Product or its factory method


 * Your user doesn't have permission to invoke the
   factory method.

Hope this helps!

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org