[Zope-CMF] Enforcing Metadata (was: WebDAV, ZPT & CMF)
Kenneth Bolton
Wed, 04 Apr 2001 14:24:51 -0400
on 4/4/01 10:28 AM, Michael R. Bernstein at webmaven@lvcm.com wrote:
> Nix the client-side solution.
> Ok, so you need to encourage people to enter meta-data...
> How about showing a blinking icon or some other 'warning'
> for items that lack metadata in the person's folder view?
> Exclamation marks, little yellow and black diagonal stripes
> in a square icon, a stop sign, or various other visual cues
> come to mind.
> A text warning at the top in bold text (maybe in a box) if
> the person has any such 'un-metadata-ed' items could also
> work.
> If you wanted to be *really* annoying, you could pop-up a
> 'freindly reminder' using Javascript, but I wouldn't
> reccomend it. :-)
> The approach you take depends on whether the user could have
> legitimate reasons for not adding meta-data, which could
> lead them to ignoring the cues.
I seem to recall a HowTo which detailed a means for making a second News
Item. In this instance, the author hard-coded the Subject metadata into the
dtml method and script for generating the news item and the view returned a
list of objects that returned with the appropriate Subject metadata. Now say
I wanted to create an mp3 type. I'd set the Subject metadata in my Zclass to
mp3 and provide an alternative metadata_edit_form that did not allow for
setting the Subject. Or, even better, it allowed you to set the Subject, say
the artist and song name, and appended "mp3" to the list of Subject
Am I barking up the wrong tree?