[Zope-CMF] Enforcing Metadata (was: WebDAV, ZPT & CMF)
seb bacon
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:25:35 +0100
* Kenneth Bolton <kbolton@sputnik7.com> [010404 20:30]:
> on 4/4/01 10:28 AM, Michael R. Bernstein at webmaven@lvcm.com wrote:
> > Ok, so you need to encourage people to enter meta-data...
> > How about showing a blinking icon or some other 'warning'
> > for items that lack metadata in the person's folder view?
> <snip> Now say
> I wanted to create an mp3 type. I'd set the Subject metadata in my Zclass to
> mp3 and provide an alternative metadata_edit_form that did not allow for
> setting the Subject. Or, even better, it allowed you to set the Subject, say
> the artist and song name, and appended "mp3" to the list of Subject
> metadata.
> Am I barking up the wrong tree?
I guess you mean that the actual object type itself would provide the
metadata, much like the meta_type property of a Product? This helps
to an extent, but you'd end up needing a huge amount of nearly
identical products to support all the types you'd require.
I think Michael's suggestion is probably the most realistic in my
context, combined with enforcing some metadata through workflows where
Interestingly, this is a problem that has apparently been discussed
elsewhere. Take a look at this post to the IETF WebDAV newsgroup, for
example, in which a 'Properties Requested' response is suggested: