[Zope-CMF] Creating Meta-Type 'How-To' from Meta-Type 'Document'
Gitte Wange
19 Apr 2001 16:20:54 +0200
I have tried to do subject - but now with great success.
The problem is that i try to list all documents of metatype How-To but
nothing shows up.
I added a new type in the portal types based on the default document
type, changed the metatype to How-To and that's that.
I added som documents of type How-To but and made a script to list them.
This is the a part of the script:
<dtml-let docsitems="portal_catalog.searchResults(meta_type='How-To',
sort_on='Date', sort_order='reverse', review_state='published')">
That should - be my opinion - do it. Anything I have missed ?
Gitte Wange Jensen
System Squid Developer
MMManager Aps
+45 29 72 79 72