[Zope-CMF] FSPropertiesObject glitch
Jonathan Corbet
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:38:51 -0600
I'm just getting going with CMF, so go easy with me... For the moment, I'm
working on coercing CMF into making a site that looks suspiciously like
the LWN daily page, which means tweaking a lot of things. As soon as I
tried to customize generic/stylesheet_properties, though, I got a Python
barf. Not the result I had in mind.
Turns out that FSPropertiesObject.manage_doCustomize wants to call
FSObject.manage_doCustomize with a "data" parameter that the latter doesn't
want. I got things working by just deleting the parameter:
Index: FSPropertiesObject.py
RCS file: /cvs-repository/CMF/CMFCore/FSPropertiesObject.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -r1.3 FSPropertiesObject.py
< FSObject.manage_doCustomize(self, folder_path, data, RESPONSE)
> # FSObject.manage_doCustomize(self, folder_path, data, RESPONSE)
> FSObject.manage_doCustomize(self, folder_path, RESPONSE)
But that's probably not a proper fix, since I have, at this point, little
clue about what's really going on in there...
Jonathan Corbet
Executive editor, LWN.net