[Zope-CMF] trouble with Factory Based Type Information tool
Tres Seaver
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 17:12:42 -0400
marc lindahl wrote:
> I'm not understanding something, here, I think:
> My understanding of the FBTI is that you use it to 'wrap'
> Zope products for use in a portal. Pursuant to that, I
> though I'd make a 'CascadingFolder' portal_type, based on
> the CascadingFolder product. Should be simple enought, right?
> But I can't get it to show up in a portal members 'Add...'
> types list.
I'm confused -- is this the ZMI's "Add..." dropdown? Or the
list of content types in 'folder_factories'? Normally, members
won't be able to see the ZMI, nor should they need to.
> Here's what I did, can someone see an error?
> 1. make new portal_type, based on portal_folder (actually,
> tried it with '(none)' also, same results. Call it
> CascadingFolder.
> 2. in portal_type/CascadingFolder/properties, change:
> Meta type to 'Cascading Folder' (to match meta_type
> in Cascade.py),
> Icon to 'cascade.gif' (just as in product),
> Product name to 'CascadingFolder',
> Factory method in product to 'addCascadingFolder'
> (gleaned by inspecting addCascadingFolderForm.dtml).
> 3. in CascadingFolder product 'Define Permissions' change:
> 'Create class instances' to 'Add portal folders',
> change 'Add CascadingFolders' to 'Add portal folders'.
> What's missing?
I looked for a CascadingFolder product on Zope.org, and didn't
see it -- can you give a URL? Also, is this a filesystem-based
product, or a TTW one? Your last step seems to imply a that
CascadingFolder is a ZClass, but the second step seems to say
that it is a filesystem product.
To diagnose, try getting to the ZMI of your CMFSite, as manager,
and edit the URL to show:
If that works, try again as a non-privileged member, using the
path to the member's "home" folder as the base. If that works,
then the CMF is at fault; please let us know. If not, then you
need to configure your CMFSite to allow the "Owner" role the "Add
CascadingFolders" permission.
Tres Seaver tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.org