[Zope-CMF] inconsistent/confusing UI

marc lindahl marc@bowery.com
Mon, 13 Aug 2001 10:57:07 -0400

> From: James <jimbo@tacomait.com>
> Same thing just happened to me... again.  A new user clicked on news item and
> then wondered what to do next. Imho you should be able to select from a drop
> down list and be taken to a screen to enter a 'title' and upload or do
> whatever you need.

I had suggested that a while ago - same I/F as ZMI... but Tres came up with
some reasons why they did it the way they did.

>  Introducing things like the metadata screen first turns
> away too many people.  It should be an option after creatiing the object.

This is easily changeable via the initial screen setting in the appropriate
portal_type.... I changed it to the upload_form which makes more sense for
File.  Also, the name 'Edit' is easily changed in
portal_types/File/Actions...  My point being... some forum for working stuff
like this out, since it's not currently consistent out of the box.

> How can we go about helping and providing feedback for the UI?
