[Zope-CMF] publish multiple objects/editions?
Florent Guillaume
3 Dec 2001 23:18:10 GMT
> anyone using CMF have some mechanism to publish a set of changes at one
> time? I would imagine it wouldnt be hard to implement. just seeing what
> everyones experience is. I think CMF most certainly should come with this
> functionality. what are you guys doing when you need to publish lets say:
> an image or 2, a document, and a news item that all need to be released at
> the same time?
Yes, we have such a mechanism here. I'm hoping to have a proposal and
some code for all to see by the end of the week.
Basically, I put hooks in the Workflow Tool and introduce the concept of
an object who is a Workflow Manager, that is, a container that can take
workflow-related decisions on behalf of its children.
This can give quite nicely a "compound object" that behaves as one in
the workflow. It can also lead to much more complex behaviour if one
Stay tuned :-)
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo SARL (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 10 http://nuxeo.com mailto:fg@nuxeo.com