[Zope-PTK] Tools
Lucas Hofman
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 08:30:39 +0100
Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Lucas Hofman wrote:
> > Shane, it does not work:
> >
> > I created a file called demoCatalogTool in PTKDemo which has the
> > followingcontent:
> >
> > from Products.PTKBase.CatalogTool import CatalogTool
> > from Products.PTKBase.PortalObject import PortalObjectBase
> >
> > class DemoCatalogTaol (CatalogTool):
> You must be more careful in your typing. You need to name the file
> "DemoCatalogTool.py" not "demoCatalogTool.py" and the above class
> definition is misspelled ("Taol" != "Tool".)
> Shane
You are completely right. However, the file was called
'DemoCatalogTool.py' (sloppy typing in the email). The other correction
did the trick. I spent 3 hours looking for an error and did not see it!
Thanks again. I start to get the grip of customizing Demoportal.
However, it is still DemoPortal being customized, and not 'Customized
Portal'. It is looking that nearly everything in PTKDemo will be
modified/replaced. If that is typical for most users of the PTK, a
how-to could describe building a 'myPortal' product only based on the
inferfaces in PTKBase, including the Zclasses needed to instanciate
Next question: I want to add some attributes to each user (i.e. first
name, last name, working company etc.). In the DemoPortal product, in
the portal/ZODBMemberFolder/MemberClass ZClass there are 2 property
sheets: CommonProperties and SystemProperties. The questions are:
A: CommonProperties looks like the place to add the properties described
above. Or should I create another property sheet?
B: What is the reason behind having multiple property sheets?
C: Where is the email adress property of a user?
Regards, Lucas
Lucas Hofman
PGS Seres tel: +47 67514059
PO Box 354 fax: +47 67526640
N-1324 Lysaker, Norway