[Zope-CMF] searching 'subportals'
seb bacon
Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:08:14 +0100
> > In terms of the "portals within portals" issue, the one thing I haven't done
> > is the ability to restrict searches to sub-portals only, rather than the
> > whole site (this would also apply to the news_box). There was a recent
> > thread on this, but I haven't tried any of the suggestions yet. So if anyone
> > has tried them and found one that works nicely, I'd be glad to hear!
> Implementation detail: Because the subportals are represented by members
> in my implementation it's easy for me to restrict searches to subportals only.
> I'll give a hint (link and access) on the mailing list when I have
> something to show.
I implemented this today by dropping in a new CatalogTool subclass.
I've got 'Sites' inside each portal, which are portal-like objects.
Each defines a getSite method, something along the lines of
I added a 'Site' index to the Catalog (in the enumeratedIndexes
Every time an object is indexed, the catalog_object method wraps the
object with extra information. I added the line
vars['Site'] = object.getSite().getId()
to this method, so every object is now always indexed with a Site
Then in the searchResults method, I added an extra criterion:
if hasattr(self, 'getSite') and not _checkPermission(
ManagePortal, self):
kw['Site'] = self.getSite().getId()
If anyone wants the whole Tool, give me a shout. It's dead simple.