[Zope-CMF] searching 'subportals'
Grégoire Weber
Mon, 09 Jul 2001 15:38:36 +0200
Oh, so it seems we have the same disposition! See my comments below:
> > 1) You have *real* CMF instances as subportals in a main/top CMF portal?
> > Correct?
> No, though you could do something like this. In my system, each
> 'subportal' is actually a member's home folder. So the root of a
> 'subportal' in this example is, in fact, a modified PortalFolder which
> defines a 'getSite()' method.
Why do you need to make your change to the portal_catalog
tool? Why not exclude the other subportals items by adding the
'Creator' to the catalog search? Have a look at the following:
What I do to achieve the same(?):
In the standard_html_header I set a variable to the members name
(= subportals name) by extracting it from the objects path:
<dtml-let anchor="'Members'"
pos="_.string.find(URLPATH0, anchor)"
beg="pos + _.len(anchor) + 1"
end="_.string.find(URLPATH0, '/', beg)">
<dtml-if "pos == -1"><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('member', '')">
<dtml-else><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('member', URLPATH0[beg:end])">
So the member is '' if the rendered object is not in a Member
(sub)folder. My top news page (my top portals index_html) then
shows all news items. But the (same) index_html in the members
directory only shows the Creator's news items.
The search:
<dtml-let newsitems="portal_catalog.searchResults(meta_type='News Item',
sort_on='Date', sort_order='reverse', Creator=member)">
> Off the top of my head, if you wanted 'real' portals as sub-portals,
> you'd want to delete most of their tools after they've been created,
> especially the catalog_tool. You may have problems with getting the
> CMF to find a catalog in an enclosing portal - have a look at the
> getToolByName method to find out.
> Then you could stick a python script in each subportal root which
> returns a subportal identifier (like getSite in my example) for
> indexing.
Then I probably would need something like this. I'll have to do that
for long term but not yet now. So your hints will then be very
important. Thanks!
P.S.: I had a look at your web page and you bring it to the point!
'And that's it.' -- cool! you're absolutely right!
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Grégoire Weber
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