[Zope-CMF] Re: Our CMF-CMS Demo
Grégoire Weber
Thu, 05 Jul 2001 18:53:05 +0200
There is another firm called RedDotSolutions
(http://www.RedDotSolutions.com/) which provides users a very natural way
to submit/edit/author content. Have a look at the small flash animation.
Their concept is very user centric.
They seem to have a very capable PR department which made an excellent
product information brochure and flash demo cd where they demonstrate the
usage of their tool.
Could be of interest for DC.
I could send the flash animation to interested persons (its an exe file and
a html file, together 300kbyte).
> As long as the discussion is on portal *designs*, I'd like to point out
> the .NET portal demo provided at http://ibuyspy.com/portal .
> Using tables and with no workflow yet, it has nothing on Zope-CMF as a
> framework, but the content items have a very slick TTW creation and page
> layout mechanism. For the Businesspeople I've shown it to, this makes
> the Portal concept click instantly. The people we'll all be developing
> and deploying portals for want this. I think we'd do well to pick up
> those features for the default CMF implementation.
Grégoire Weber
Rigistr. 31
CH-8006 Zürich
phone: +41-(0)1-361 66 11
mobile: +41-(0)79-44 11 457