[Zope-CMF] Duplicating NewsItem and custom CMF product.
Erik Enge
10 Jul 2001 09:57:38 +0200
[Erik Enge]
| First, I tried to make my own python CMF product; CMFTestProduct.
| This product provides the TestObject object and not much else. I
| basically abused CMFCalendar beyond recognition. Adding it is
| no problemo, but viewing is a different story. I get:
| Error Type: Not Found
| Error Value: Cannot find default view for "/cmf_site/Members/user1/test_object2"
Just to provide slightly more info: if I add
test_object_view = DTMLFile('skins/test_product/test_object_view', globals())
to my TestObject class it works. My icon - defined in the
factory_type_information - is also not displaying without me
explicitly making it available.
Where is the black magic happening? Who has the kung-foo powers?