[Zope-CMF] workflows what are they and how to use them
Shane Hathaway
Wed, 25 Jul 2001 14:23:39 -0400
Ulrich Eck wrote:
> > >
> > OpenFlow is not a CMF workflow, but a more general one for arbitrary
> > Zope objects. Perhaps they'll make it a CMF workflow in the future.
> >
> we are thinking about, how the concept of OpenFlow (wich has some very
> interesting features in it -- or at least will ..) could fit into the CMF-Workflow
> of today. OpenFlow is a Workflow-engine that doesn't depend on object's
> states but it uses tokens to store the workflow-data and therefore it could
> be used for workflows where more than one Object is involved .. doing such
> a thing with DC-Workflow would be possible but imho not clean and
> maintainable ..
Sometime I'm going to take the time to figure out OpenFlow, because the
above statement seems completely backward to me. Maintaining tokens as
opposed to states seems unmaintainable. We shall see. :-)