[Zope-CMF] CMFDecor troubles
Andrew Sawyers
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 10:02:46 -0400
I found some improper declared styles being used in the DTML (specifically
in the Navbar), thus why it's never looked properly. It's difficult to read
the default browser colors of the links in the navbar, and the original
design expected them to behave differently. It's an easy fix that I'll be
putting into CVS today.
> I may have missed something (in which case please point me at RTFM), but
> what bugs are they? The only one I've heard is someone suggesting there
> should be no gaps/line-breaks in the style definitions, to stop Netscape
> choking?
> > Chris M and I spoke about quite awhile back about possible work
> arounds we
> > might want to do for FrontPage due to the issues raised by Jon.
> I think it would be a nice feature to have in the marketing literature!
> If you do decide to pursue it, I feel duty-bound to offer to help, as I
> suggested it! ;-)
That was the general starting point of our discussion on the issue, we both
felt it would be a benefit to support FrontPage but I think it had been
punted on......
> > > AFAIK the biggest problem is that FP expects to find
> directories called:
> > >
> > > _vti_txt
> > > _vti_script
> > > _vti_pvt
> > >
> > > and etc.
> It's ages since I played with Frontpage, but don't these only apply to the
> "site-building" parts of Frontpage - the bits that create the nav
> structure,
> hierarchical diagrams, etc?
> Isn't it possible to just use the WYSIWYG html-editor on a single page -
> which is what you'd be doing, I think, when you work with ZPT? I'll have a
> dig round and see what I can find.
Yeah, off the top of my head, I agree. If one just uses the WYSIWYG editor,
you'd expect things to work fine. Heh, we all know this is hardly ever the
case. Someone who has it should try; just so we know. I'll check around
here and see if I can get a copy. I'm not sure if people who use that tool
use all the 'extra' features or simply are using it to do basic editing.....