[Zope-CMF] Q: how to forbid users to join?

Heiko Stoermer heiko.stoermer@andreas-schmid.de
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 16:24:50 +0200

Am Freitag,  1. Juni 2001 16:17 schrieben Sie:
> Heiko Stoermer <heiko.stoermer@andreas-schmid.de> writes:
> > how do I disable the whole "join" functionality of CMF?
> > I want only these users be able to log in that I have in my
> > LDAPLoginAdapter folder.
> To remove the functionality, you have to remove addMember (or replace
> by an empty function) from the RegistrationTool.
> (the addMember function in the MembershipTool called by the
> RegistrationTool is private, so it should be difficult to abuse it).
> To remove the join action from the action box, you have to overwrite
> listActions in the ActionsTool.
>  # This will eventually be configurable through the portal_actions UI.
> I'll soon have to implement both changes myself, so I'm interested
> in the actual implementation you choose...

thanks for the hint ! 

it's just a pity that this will apply to all CMF instances on the site. But 
you just can't make everything configurable through the management screens...

I'll probably do both: replace RegistrationTool::addMember() by an empty 
function and simply cut out the respective list entry in 
ActionsTool::listActions().  [sorry for the c++ syntax  :) ]

best regards,