[Zope-CMF] Q: how to forbid users to join?
Jens Quade
01 Jun 2001 16:44:10 +0200
Heiko Stoermer <heiko.stoermer@andreas-schmid.de> writes:
> it's just a pity that this will apply to all CMF instances on the site. But
> you just can't make everything configurable through the management screens...
I have enough changes to develop my own Site object, so I have no problems
with another modified tool...
> I'll probably do both: replace RegistrationTool::addMember() by an empty
> function and simply cut out the respective list entry in
> ActionsTool::listActions(). [sorry for the c++ syntax :) ]
Maybe you could implement your changes as an external patch/"Hotfix" to CMF,
if they are all the same...
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