[Zope-CMF] Error: no variable named 'portal_metadata'

Ricardo Newbery newbery@dvgroup.com
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 16:37:32 -0700

I installed CMF 1.1 on Zope 2.3.2 and found two problems so far.


First, I was getting a file not found error whenever I tried to 
access the 'content' tab of 'portal_memberdata.'  On a hunch, in 
CMFCore/MemberDataTool.py, I changed line 138

     manage_showContents = DTMLFile('dtml/memberdataContents', _dtmldir )
     manage_showContents = DTMLFile('memberdataContents', _dtmldir )

and it seemed to fix the problem.


Second, I'm getting an error whenever while in the 'Member' role I 
try to add any (?) content.  The first screen I get after I select a 
content type always (?) gives me the following error:

    This resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object or variable
    There is no variable named 'portal_metadata'
    The URL may be incorrect.
    The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
    A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.

Traceback (innermost last):
line 223, in publish_module
line 187, in publish
/usr/home/digital0/usr/local/zope2/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 
221, in zpublisher_exception_hook
     (Object: DynamicType)
line 171, in publish
line 160, in mapply
     (Object: metadata_edit_form)
line 112, in call_object
     (Object: metadata_edit_form)
line 180, in __call__
     (Object: metadata_edit_form)
line 538, in __call__
     (Object: metadata_edit_form)
line 146, in render
     (Object: contentSubject=Subject
allowedSubjects="portal_metadata.listAllowedSubjects( this() 
line 334, in eval
     (Object: portal_metadata.listAllowedSubjects( this() ))
     (Info: this)
   File <string>, line 0, in ?
NameError: (see above)

More info... The content does get added and it is mostly editable 
except for the 'metadata' link which gives me the same error.

This does not happen while I'm in the 'Manager' role.

Any ideas?

Ricardo Newbery