[Zope-CMF] Error: no variable named 'portal_metadata'

Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 23:10:40 -0400

Ricardo Newbery wrote:

> I installed CMF 1.1 on Zope 2.3.2 and found two problems so far.
> __
> First, I was getting a file not found error whenever I tried to access 
> the 'content' tab of 'portal_memberdata.'  On a hunch, in 
> CMFCore/MemberDataTool.py, I changed line 138
>     manage_showContents = DTMLFile('dtml/memberdataContents', _dtmldir )
> to
>     manage_showContents = DTMLFile('memberdataContents', _dtmldir )
> and it seemed to fix the problem.

Thanks for reporting this;  I've just checked in your fix.

> Second, I'm getting an error whenever while in the 'Member' role I try 
> to add any (?) content.  The first screen I get after I select a content 
> type always (?) gives me the following error:
>    This resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object or 
> variable
>    There is no variable named 'portal_metadata'

The skin now needs the 'portal_metadata' tool, which you should be able
to add to the CMFSite from the ZMI, using the "CMFDefault Tool" item
in the add list.

Sorry for that confusion, we should've noted it as an "upgrade TODO".

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org