Personalization (was RE: [Zope-CMF] List of subject/metadata sets?)
Jon Edwards
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 18:10:48 +0100
Wow, some great ideas! I'd be interested in collaborating on this. I have a
few ideas on personalisation, but your thoughts have expanded them
considerably! :-)
An article I found useful is "Amazoning The News" - - which talks about using the
concepts of personalisation that Amazon implements, but on a general
news/info site, rather than for ecommerce. If you're busy, skip straight to
page 4 of the article, the preamble goes on a bit!
I think ACS also has a lot of personalisation stuff? (sorry for re-opening
the ACS can-of-worms!) We could "borrow" some of their alogorithms! :-)
A few thoughts -
1. You could make a method which editors could slot into a page (in the
style of the news_box), which listed the most-visited pages on the same
subject(s) - something like "People who read this article also found these
pages useful". And/or "Articles by the Same Author/on the Same Topic". If
you introduced a ranking/voting system for pages/articles you could list the
highest-ranked articles.
2. I've started implementing some "personalisation" features on a Members
homepage (though it could be put elsewhere if they're publishing content on
their homepage) - a box lists their Favorites (internal links), but orders
them according to a last_updated property, and shows the last_updated date.
So, on a large site, they can see at a glance which of the pages/discussions
they're interested in has been updated since they last visited (you could
even change the colour if last_updated > last_logged_in). You could do a
similar thing with their explicit "interests" - show a list of articles
added, containing the relevant keywords, since they last logged in. Now, if
I could just figure out a reliable way to do the same for their external
links.... :-)
3. The new Folder Syndication Service means people could have a summary of
their favourite pages/interests "syndicated" to a section of their Member's
area, along with external RSS feeds (did you know e-groups does RSS
syndication of discussions?) I getting carried away? :-)
Cheers, Jon
From: "Bjorn Stabell" <>
To: <>,
Ok, time to throw in my RMB 0.166 (US$ 0.02).