[Zope-CMF] Getting Attributes From A Property Sheet

ken bolton kbolton@sputnik7.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 17:13:17 -0400

Hi all,

My experiments and dabblings with the CMF are going extremely well, having
great success developing Products and ZClasses. I'm having an issue, though,
and I hope that someone on the list can help me resolve it. I've looked
through the archives and documentation and can't find the solution.

So the situation is I've got a <dtml-in "objectItems('Food Item')"> which
allows me to put the attributes from the FoodProperties property sheet in my
page, and iterates through all Food Items in the folder. I was stoked when I
got that working. Now, I want to create a view of all Food Items throughout
the site and return their attributes. I hacked away at the news_box to and
created a food_box. It returns my Food Items, but this will only display the
objects' metadata.

Two questions -
Why do searchResults come back sans propertysheet attributes?
What is the code I'm missing for getting those propertysheet attributes to
display in my portal_catalog searches?

one love,