[Zope-CMF] departmental hierarchies with modified workflow

Dan L. Pierson dan@control.com
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:18:20 -0400

--On Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:12:39 PM +0100 Jon Edwards 
<jon@pcgs.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:

> How about putting a Swishdot instance into the workgroup's folder as a
> collaboration/project management tool?

Why Squishdot/Swishdot as opposed to simple CMF discussions?  Do you really 
need the fancy layout with its own left and right columns?  Do you really 
need some nifty new feature that Swishdot will have that Squishdot doesn't? 
If so, what is it?

The Swishdot feature set is a bit vaporous at the moment, but Squishdot is 
pretty much just fancy UI wrapped around a list of Documents or News Items 
with simple discussions attached to each of them.