[Zope-CMF] WYSIWYG HTML document edit form
Jon Edwards
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 20:19:09 +0100
With all the recent talk of structured text, us old-fashioned HTML users may
be feeling a bit left-out! ;-)
So I uploaded my WYSIWYG Javascript HTML editor thingy, incorporated into
the standard CMF document_edit_form -
It's a zexp, so to try it out, just import it into portal_skins/custom
folder (make sure its name is document_edit_form), along with the toolbar
image (also a zexp, which should create an image called toolbar) -
Comments and feedback welcome! I'd like to develop it further. For example,
the select boxes for colours, sizes, styles and fonts could be set to only
show values that are in the default_stylesheet (or whatever stylesheet
you're using). Any ideas on the best way to do this? I thought of using
ZStylesheets to replace the normal stylesheet (so the select boxes could
just iterate through the values in the Zstylesheet).
Alternatively, I thought of creating a "Site StyleGuide" - the managing
editor of a site would be able to create a list of allowed colours, fonts,
sizes, etc. and anyone editing layouts or documents anywhere in the site
would only be able to pick from this list of allowed values. Does that make
Also, perhaps the button for adding links could have an option for showing a
list of internal links (pages within the same site), to make it easy to find
them without having two browser windows open?
Cheers, Jon
P.S. I've just submitted em both for publication, so if you can't access
them right away, try a little later (assuming anyone else is working on a
Sunday evening!)