[Zope-CMF] modifying default user creation

Jens Vagelpohl jens@digicool.com
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 09:19:33 -0400

in a nutshell, what you want to do is the following:

- subclass directly from CMFDefault.MembershipTool
- provide your own "createMemberarea" implementation (createMemberarea=20=

handles creating the member's folder and what's in it)
- replace the membership tool in the portal with an instance of your own=20=

membership tool

you might want to look at other "extra" tools to find out how to create=20=

tools that plug into CMF. the "CMFLDAP" product at=20
http://www.dataflake.org/software/cmfldap is an example of a product =
overrides two standard CMF tools.


On Tuesday, June 19, 2001, at 08:49 , Cyrille Giquello wrote:

> After parsed files from CMF,
> I can see :
> CMFCore/MembershipTool.py
>     class MembershipTool :
> CMFDefault/MembershipTool.py
>     import Products.CMFCore.MembershipTool
>     class MembershipTool :
> So, perhaps I can overload CMFDefault to customize CMF Behavior.
> Perhaps it's the good way ?
> If it is, how can I do ?
> Because, at first, there is the add product 'CMFSite' to overload or=20=

> replacing ?
> Then, in CMFCore and CMFCalendar there are call to CMFDefault.method() =
> .
> I'm a little loss in this space ;o)
> Cyrille
> Cyrille Giquello a =E9crit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm ever learning how to use CMF ...
>> I try to change the behavior at member creation.
>> By default, at member registration, a home folder with a index-html =
>> created.
>> I would like to create more files, like presentation-html, =
>> ...
>> And I try to find how to do, but I failed to find where to add the =
>> Please, is there someone who get some time to explain where to change
>> this behavior ?
>> Cheers,
>> Cyrille
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> Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@zope.org
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