[Zope-CMF] Mailing list anti-dogbowl?
The Doctor What
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:07:27 -0600
* Chui Tey (teyc@cognoware.com) [010328 06:34]:
> 1) Mailman
> Perhaps CMF catalog can index Mailman archives
Mailman is nice in that you can set up an NNTP gateway, too.
The archiver isn't much, though. Even the mailman developers
suggest replacing pipermail with Mhonarc or something similar.
Ideally, you'd have something in the Dogbowl that collected threads,
then let someone go through and say "Add this to the list of good
info". Or maybe the reverse (this thread is just fluff, delete it
from the Dogbowl archive).
"He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet."
-- Joseph Joubert
The Doctor What: A really hip dude http://docwhat.gerf.org/
docwhat@gerf.org KF6VNC