[Zope-CMF] SharePoint Portal Server from Micro$oft
Norman Khine
Tue, 29 May 2001 15:25:40 +0100
It seems that Micro$oft are entering the Zope domain space ;^( and of course
are charging for it $$$,$$$.cc
I was just reading an article in Application Development Advisor about
Microsoft's SharePoint Portal Server and several things stood out
1. "....the key goal for SPS is to provide a corporate information portal
that will allow people to be brought into workgroups, yet give them access
to documents stored anywhere in the company."
2. "...with Corel, Adobe and others commited to providing extensions to
their file types so that SPS can recognise them, there's an oportunity for
third parties to use SPS to build workflow tools"
I don't know why I am writting this, and I don't even know what the question
is, but I feel that there are so many users out there Micro$oft lovers that
don't seem to realise that there are alternatives.
And the only way to achieve this is to market the "product" like LINUX has
done. Maybe I "subscribe" to the wrong IT magazines, but I must say ALL the
articles that I have read in respect to zope was in www.devshed.com under
the python section.
So how does one go about in educating the masses, or is knowledge too
"Eternity is Time
Time, eternity
To see the two as opposite
Is Man's Perversity"
The Book of Angelus Silesius