PageTemplate Error (was Re: [Zope-CMF] DCWorkflow version 0.4)
Bill Anderson
03 Sep 2001 11:21:31 -0600
On Sun, 2001-09-02 at 21:41, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Bill Anderson wrote:
> I have CMFDecor / ZPT running on a 2.4 setup; I think that you
> may have missed the requirment to install TAL and ZTUtils as
> *packages* (i.e., in ${SOFTWARE,INSTANCE}_HOME/lib/python) rather
> than as *products* (in $SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Proudcts or
> $INSTANCE_HOME/Products).
WTF is this all about? This sounds like baaad juju to me. Why are these
placed in different areas? This certainly doesn't seem to be in line
with using INSTANCE_HOME setups properly, or have I missed the point of
INSTANCE_HOME? This seems to violate my 'pure' zope base install, and
customizing of specific instances through 'local' product install.
> Check the traceback for the PageTemplates product in the Control Panel;
> I bet it is complaining that it can't import from TAL.
Actually, it isn't there. PageTemplates doesn't show up, even as broken,
in Control_Panel. :(
OK, after moving ZTUtils to lib/python (grrr), it now seems to be there,
working. Thanks.