[Zope-CMF] New product and meta_type and portal_catalog

Pascal Samuzeau samuzeau@oreka.com
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 16:09:23 +0100

I've creted a product, and I can't reach it with                      
poartal_catalog.searchResults(meta_type='MyProduct'). It returns      
always []                                                             
So, I've a lot of question :                                          
First I have in my product                                            
factory_type_information = ( { 'id'             : 'IdProduct'         
                             , 'meta_type'      : 'MyProduct' ... )   
class MyProduct(SkinnedFolder, Item):                                 
    meta_type = 'MyProduct'                                           
So, why do I need to have a double meta_type definition ?             
In second stage, I think, if I'm not able to retrieve my Folder       
Product, It's because I don't inherit my class from another one, but  
which one do I need ?                                                 
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