[Zope-CMF] New product and meta_type and portal_catalog

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 23:45:30 +0100

Pascal Samuzeau writes:
 > I've creted a product, and I can't reach it with                      
 > poartal_catalog.searchResults(meta_type='MyProduct'). It returns      
 > always []                                                             
 > So, I've a lot of question :                                          
 > First I have in my product                                            
 > factory_type_information = ( { 'id'             : 'IdProduct'         
 >                              , 'meta_type'      : 'MyProduct' ... )   
 > and                                                                   
 > class MyProduct(SkinnedFolder, Item):                                 
 >     meta_type = 'MyProduct'                                           
 >     ....                                                              
 > So, why do I need to have a double meta_type definition ?             
In CMF, you have two layers:

   1. the content class ("MyProduct") in your case

   2. a set of types built upon the content class.

      When you define a type you must specify the content
      class used as base for the type.

      Currently, this is a bit implicit. You specify
      the class's "meta_type" (for filtering) and
      the class's constructor (to create instances
      of the type (and thereby the content class).

 > In second stage, I think, if I'm not able to retrieve my Folder       
 > Product, It's because I don't inherit my class from another one, but  
 > which one do I need ?                                                 
Are you sure that "SkinnedFolder" is catalogued?
If it is, its "manage_afterAdd" and "manage_beforeDelete"
will call "indexObject" and "unindexObject".
Check for this.
