[Zope-CMF] Review pendings not show up under nested cmf sites.
Tres Seaver
Mon, 07 Jan 2002 10:43:21 -0500
James Johnson wrote:
> Seems it worked before with 2.3.3 and cmf 1.1. I'm now using zope 2.5b3
> with cmf 1.2b1, win nt and apache. The site structure is
> MainCMF
> ----SubCMF1
> ----SubCMF2
> ----SubCMF3
> I click on the security tab of the SubCMFx site and then the Local
> roles link. I assign a member from the MainCMF site the roles of
> Manager, Member, Reviewer, and I even added owner after trying without
> it. The user is assigned some management rights. The true manager of
> the Main site gets the Review pendings when logging in. Is this a bug
> or feature?
It is possible that the problem you are encountering is unrelated
to your sub-sites. The CMF catalogs an index, 'allowedRolesAndUsers',
at the time a piece of content is modified. Users with local roles
are catalogued using their user ID (as the user object doesn't know
about the local role).
Hence, adding 'Reviewer' as a local role won't show "old" pending
issues, although new ones should appear. To test this, try reindexing
a piece of pending content, and see if the local reviewer now has
the pending item show up. If so, reindex all content, and your
problem is solved (until the next time you add a local reviewer,
of course).
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com