[Zope-CMF] German/Localized CMF

Page Page page@hotmail.ro
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 20:44:06 +0300

Dear CMFers,
here a short synopsis on my findings on localizing the
CMF so far.

0.) I understand that l18n refers to an applications ability
to be localized by plugging translations into a framework
that supports such translations. In this sense, the CMF is
not l18n-ed. 
1.) Some sort of difficulty is the localization of text in
python-code. Typical examples are labels and error-messages.
There has to be some facility to localize labels, and I'm
not sure if there is some provision for that. I could not
find any, but maybe I just have not tried hard enough.
[Is there a provision to i18n text in .py-code?]
2.) l18n-ed code and data should stay l18n-ed. If the original
developers don't provide it, the person who provides has to
be confident that l18n-adornations stay in there. I think the
temptation will always be there to just ditch them or neglect
them in maintenance, since l18n makes the Zope-poetry less legible. 
Put more harshly, localization makes a mess.

Replies welcome

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