[Zope-CMF] CMF Usabiltiy
J C Lawrence
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 08:44:41 -0700
On 12 Jul 2002 14:43:23 +0800
Tim Hoffman <timhoffman@cams.wa.gov.au> wrote:
> This is a feature I too wanted, and my solution was to to give every
> object a unique object ID (new metadata field) which get's updated if
> the object is cloned. This Object ID is then catalogued, and then
> content which needs links uses the object Id plus a retrieval
> method. This way doc's can move anywhere and no broken links.
Neat. Smart. Might be a good idea to throw the details and a sample
code blob up on the Collector for others to follow.
J C Lawrence
---------(*) Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
claw@kanga.nu He lived as a devil, eh?
http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/ Evil is a name of a foeman, as I live.