[Zope-CMF] waiting for 1.3? plone? a newbie wonders
Tres Seaver
12 Jul 2002 15:36:34 -0400
On Fri, 2002-07-12 at 15:17, Robert Nagle wrote:
> First post. First probably of many.
> After many months of waiting, I finally have the time
> to play around with zope, cmf and all that wonderful
> stuff. Believe me when I say how excited I am for
> this time to have finally arrived.
> I have looked a little bit at the CMF documentation
> and last month's mail. The website says that you will
> go from beta1.3 to 1.3 two weeks from the beta release
> date. Is this date pretty firm or do you expect some
> slipping? And by the way, any idea if plone 1.0 will
> be out in the near future?
> I suppose after waiting for months to get around to
> zope, waiting two more weeks won't kill me. But the
> agony! The agony!
I believe that 1.3 final will be out by the end of next week, assuming
no "showstopper" bugs (Carl Rendell is reporting one which might be so
classed, except that I am having a hard time reproducing it!) The 1.3
branch in CVS is definitely a "feature-frozen" one; it should be fairly
safe to start your own development against (or even against the beta2
I can't speak for Alan et aliae on Plone.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com