[Zope-CMF] Portal Search Returns Everything + Deleted
Tres Seaver
13 Jul 2002 11:38:28 -0400
On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 07:58, Chris Withers wrote:
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
> >
> > When I do not specify any restrictions, I expect to get everything...
> Dieter, you are exceptional ;-)
While I would be the last person on this list to take issue with the
plain sense of that statement, I would also agree with Dieter. Consider
the following SQL:
I would be *very* annoyed if that gave me back anything other than
every row of the table, simply because I supplied no 'WHERE' clause.
The point of this issue is that the choice "no criteria implies no
results" is a policy choice, which is easily implemented on any site via
E.g., customize the 'doFormSearch' PythonScript, found in the 'generic'
skin folder. Modify its last line from::
return context.portal_catalog( form_vars )
return form_vars and context.portal_catalog( form_vars ) or ()
The default policy, in addition to being consistent with search
retrieval semantics of other paradigns like SQL, would be *much* harder
to implement via skins if your preference was the default in ZCatalog.
Tres Seaver tseaver@zope.com
Zope Corporation "Zope Dealers" http://www.zope.com