[Zope-CMF] LazyFilter and Effective Dates

Jon Edwards jon@pcgs.freeserve.co.uk
Fri, 28 Jun 2002 09:19:15 +0100


> The trick is to get the transition behaviour between these states working
> transparently, with as little overhead as possible, and as little
> impelmentation hassles as possible. I'm not certain how to do this, ATM,
> I'm inclined to try wrapping a method of the content in question that
> frequently called on object access as a WorkflowMethod.

Is it posible to make the "View" method into a WorkflowMethod? ...or rather,
is it sensible? I'm still learning Workflow, and that's a question that has
occurred to me a couple of times.

I'm not sure if that's appropriate in this use-case, but I can think of a
few others where it is - e.g. urgent Tracker issues are sent to the worklist
of suitably qualified members (I'm working with Doctor's practices), and you
want to change it from "unread" state to "read" when one of those people has
viewed the issue.

Cheers, Jon