[Zope-CMF] CMF Skin / string or date comparison problem
Damon Eckhoff
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 16:41:16 -0600
Hey All:
I'm currently building a CMF(1.2) (Zope 2.5.0) skin from the ground up...
line by line... no cutting and pasting... mostly because I'm trying to
figure this thing out and I really don't want any surprises in my
production system.
I've been making tremendous progress, but now I've run into a problem...
...in the zpt_generic skin folder there is a page template named 'logged_in'
. I've modeled my own logged_in template off of the zpt_generic one.
I've set the portal properties up so that validate_email is true.
Now when a user registers, receives the confirmation e-mail, and then logs
in with the randomly generated password... the system should present a
change of password form. Mine doesn't. I've changed mine to redirect...
but in the following code... the """member.login_time ==
here.ZopeTime('2000/01/01')""" never evaluates to true.
I've done some testing... and I believe the problem is in the actual
comparison. I'm very new to python so I'm not 100% sure that I'm comparing
the dates / string correctly. I just copied what was in the original
zpt_generic/logged_in template.
This seems like a misunderstanding of how to actually compare the two
objects... but as a newbie, I'm at a loss.
I really appreciate any help...
CODE: (similar to zpt_generic/logged_in)
<!-- Was the login successful? -->
<div tal:condition="python: not(here.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser())"
tal:define="member python:
<!-- Login was successful -->
<!-- Is this first login? AND Is validate email enabled? -->
<div tal:condition="python: ( member.login_time == here.ZopeTime('2000/
01/01') ) and
<!-- ****** NEVER GETS HERE ****** -->
<!-- redirect to change password form -->
<div tal:define="change_password_target python:
<div tal:define="dredirect python:
request.RESPONSE.redirect( redirect_target )"></div>
<!-- Is this the first login? AND Is e-mail validation turned off? -->
<div tal:condition="python: not(member.login_time ==
here.ZopeTime('2000/01/01') and here.validate_email)">
<!-- ****** ALWAYS GETS HERE ****** -->
<!-- Yes... no need to change password. Need to update last login
time -->
<div tal:define="d_reg python:
ereg python: here.portal_registration.setProperties(login_time=